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  • “德中同响”“德中同行 走进广东”开幕式音乐会





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彼得·鲁彻奇卡 为乐队而作的五首作品

莫扎特     A大调单簧管协奏曲

勃拉姆斯    第四交响曲





彼得·鲁茨斯卡  Peter Ruzicka

彼得·鲁茨斯卡教授1948年7月3日出生于杜塞尔多夫,在汉堡音乐学院系统学习了钢琴、双簧管、作曲等科目,在慕尼黑、汉堡和柏林学习法律和音乐理论。彼得·鲁茨斯卡的创作广泛涉猎交响乐、室内乐、合唱及歌剧声乐领域,其作品多次在世界各地演出。2001年他的歌剧作品《西朗》(Celan)在德累斯顿首演。2008年,彼得·鲁茨斯卡的歌剧《贺尔德林》(Hoelderlin) 还将在柏林国家歌剧院首演。

1990年受聘担任汉堡音乐及戏剧学院的音乐教授。1979至1987年,担任柏林广播交响乐团艺术总监;1988至1997年,出任汉堡国家歌剧院和国家爱乐乐团总监;1997至1999年,他还是阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐厅交响乐团艺术顾问;2001至2006年,彼得·鲁茨斯卡任萨尔茨堡国际艺术节的主席;自1996年起,彼得·鲁茨斯卡继任由汉斯·维尔纳·亨策(Hans Werner Henze)创办并一直领导的德国慕尼黑双年音乐节的艺术总监职位,在世界范围内寻找优秀的青年作曲家,并给与其音乐剧的委约,以推进音乐剧创作。

作为一位指挥,彼得·鲁茨斯卡曾经与众多知名乐团合作,包括与柏林德国交响乐团合作并与其录制了马勒、派特森和施特赖可的作品专辑,与阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐厅交响乐团、巴伐利亚广播交响乐团、汉堡北德广播交响乐团并与北德乐团录制了一部包括汉斯·维尔纳·亨策(Hans Werner Henze)的12首作品专辑,还有汉堡交响乐团、班贝克交响乐团、斯图加特广播交响乐团、法兰克福广播交响乐团、莱比锡中德广播交响乐团、慕尼黑爱乐乐团、德国柏林歌剧院乐团、维也纳交响乐团、丹麦国家交响乐团、捷克爱乐乐团、东京读卖日本交响乐团以及中国爱乐乐团。

As a conductor of his own and other works, Peter Ruzicka has directed the German Symphony Orchestra in Berlin – recording CD productions of works by Mahler, Pettersson and Schreker – the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Saechsische Staatskapelle Dresden, the Symphony Orchestra of the Bavarian Radio, the NDR Symphony Orchestra Hamburg - recording a cycle of 12 orchestral works by Hans Werner Henze -, the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, the Radio Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart, the SWR Symphony Orchestra Baden-Baden and Freiburg, the WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne, the Radio Symphony Orchestra Frankfurt, the MDR Symphony Orchestra Leipzig, the Munich Philharmonic, the Orchestra of the German Opera Berlin, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the Danish National Orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra Tokyo, and the China Philharmonic Orchestra amongst others.

Peter Ruzicka was born in Duesseldorf on July 3, 1948. He received his early musical training (piano, oboe and composition) at the Hamburg Conservatory. Studies in composition with Hans Werner Henze and Hans Otte. He studied law and musicology in Munich, Hamburg and Berlin (doctoral thesis: Berlin, 1977). The list of his compositions includes numerous orchestral and chamber music works as well as the opera „Celan“, which was premiered in Dresden in 2001. His new opera “Hoelderlin” will be premiered at the Berlin State Opera “ in 2008.

Peter Ruzicka was appointed professor at the Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Hamburg in 1990. The composer is member of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and of the Free Academy of Arts in Hamburg.

Peter Ruzicka was artistic director of the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra from 1979 to 1987 and director of the Hamburg State Opera and the State Philharmonic Orchestra from 1988 to 1997. Moreover, he was Artistic Advisor of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam from 1997 to 1999. In 1999 he was named President of the Bavarian Theatre Academy. From 2001 to 2006, Ruzicka took over the Artistic Directorship of the Salzburg Festival. At present he is artistic director of the Munich Biennale which he took over from Hans Werner Henze in 1996.

As a conductor of his own and other works, Peter Ruzicka has directed the German Symphony Orchestra in Berlin – recording CD productions of works by Mahler, Pettersson and Schreker – the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Saechsische Staatskapelle Dresden, the Symphony Orchestra of the Bavarian Radio, the NDR Symphony Orchestra Hamburg - recording a cycle of 12 orchestral works by Hans Werner Henze -, the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, the Radio Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart, the SWR Symphony Orchestra Baden-Baden and Freiburg, the WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne, the Radio Symphony Orchestra Frankfurt, the MDR Symphony Orchestra Leipzig, the Munich Philharmonic, the Orchestra of the German Opera Berlin, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the Danish National Orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra Tokyo, and the China Philharmonic Orchestra amongst others.


发布时间:2008-09-25 编辑:广东文化网


